Course curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to HardTarget's Smart Safety Foundation course!
    Show Content
    • A message from your instructor 'Q'
    • Before you start...
  • 02
    Show Content
    • Introduction to Assault
    • Intent with an action to apply force
    • Attempted to apply force to a person
    • Indirectly or Directly
    • Threat, act or gesture
    • Present Ability
    • Understanding Assault QUIZ
  • 03
    Self Defence
    Show Content
    • Introduction to self defence
    • Justified and Reasonable
    • Understanding Self-defence QUIZ
  • 04
    Assault cycle
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    • Introduction to assault cycle
    • Normal every day behaviour - your baseline
    • Event that causes you to escalate - triggers
    • Escalation that can happen following a trigger
    • Crisis stage of when a physical assault occurs.
    • De-escalation - recovering from escalation.
    • Physical factors to consider
    • Special circumstances to consider
    • Understanding Assault Cycle and circumstances QUIZ
  • 05
    Show Content
    • Introduction to stances & projection
    • How to stand & project yourself
    • Moving out of the way
    • Positioning yourself with multiple people
    • Creating space with a hold check
    • Safe Separation with a check
    • Escape & Evasion
    • Understanding Stances QUIZ
  • 06
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    • Introduction to communication
    • Tones & Gestures
    • Fishing
    • Distraction
    • Evaluating Intent
    • Witness Awareness
    • Giving them options
    • Tell witnesses what you want them to see
    • Communication QUIZ
  • 07
    Before you go.....
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    • Before you go....
  • Head Trainer

    Trainer Bio:

    Hi team! Q here...Let's make this part short & sweet as I really don't like talking too much about me. I started martial arts when I was 5 years old, this was due to my father being in the NZ Army and every time we were transferred to a new base there was a martial art club to keep me and my 3 other brothers busy. I left school too soon, as it was not a good fit and went to work as an apprentice Coach builder. My childhood dream was always to be a Police Officer so I went back to night school and worked hard to get the required qualifications to join. The universe was listening as I passed the Police entry test and loved every minute of the following 9 years, gaining experience in VIP witness & protection squad, team policing and drug squad monitoring etc. As I had martial arts experience I found myself taking on Defensive Tactics Training roles and contributing to Police staff safety. I fell in love (not only with my wife) with the idea of keeping as many good people safe as I could. There has been no looking back since 1999 when Contact Training Systems Ltd was created and I have been fortunate enough to travel to incredible places around the world. It is humbling when I look at the opportunities I have been given in researching, developing and delivering fit for purpose training programs to the widest variety of people I could have ever imagined. So how do I share our knowledge with a wider group of like minded people, well the 'IT" world has finally caught up to us. It is time to embrace it so I can share our PASSION with you, there's plenty of us out there who want to feel more peace of mind! My PURPOSE is to share concepts with you that are trusted, realistic and used successfully everyday by leading security agencies. So my PLEDGE to you is to give you everything I have, NO SECRETS, whether it is based on our research, knowledge, experience or just that kick of confidence you needed to get the momentum started in creating a safer security industry. 'Keeping Good People safe' has been moto from day one, it is time for us to make a real difference.

    Quinton Swanson

    Head Trainer

    Quinton Swanson

These people already know the value of our programme

Everyone deserves to be safe...

“As a mother of all girls I found it very important for my girls to be able to look after themselves. Q, Vicky and the team at HardTarget gave them the tools, knowledge and the confidence to live in the world we live in today. So thanks to you, and thanks to the wonderful course you provide.”


““Hi Q, I want to thank you for the training I have received from you. One part of your training sessions involving confrontation with a knife wielder unfortunately happened to me in real life but fortunately with the training I received from you I was mentally and physically prepared for this particular scenario. Just four months after doing your training I found myself in an incident where I was attacked by an offenders attempting to take my motor vehicle. I was stabbed multiple times in my chest as I tried to escape being confined in the drivers seat of my vehicle all while strapped to my seatbelt. I want to advise you that much of the training I received from the course had a huge impact in the aftermath of the attack, more so how it significantly helped me mentally. During training you were committed to us the participants to enact lifelike scenarios and as a result of this when I was confronted by my attacker, I was mentally prepared, a scenario I was already familiar with was unfolding right before my eyes. Having been through your training has been an advantage, it has helped me move on with my life and dealing with my emotions mentally. Thank you Q! ” Ati”


Family is Number 1

Make safety a priority and build resilience

This online course can be completed in your own time in your own environment. The short videos are separated into chapters just like a book, with supporting quizzes to consolidate your learning. You can complete as a family unit or find the information you need to pass when the time is right for your children. The main idea of this course is for you to learn about conflict and how to avoid it. This course is yours to keep so that at any stage you can refer back to concepts and skills. On completion you will even receive our certificate.
Enrol today!
Family is Number 1

What will I learn?

More about the Smart Safety Course

  • Understanding the law & how the law protects us

  • How to become a hard target through knowledge and awareness

  • Some effective communication techniques

  • How to prevent conflict from escalating

  • Become aware of space and how to escape & evade physical conflict


  • How long can I have access to this course?

    Once you have purchased this course you can have unlimited access to the content.

  • How long does this course take to complete?

    Each chapter has videos which are mostly only a few minutes each. It will depend on how much time you spend practising scenarios that will determine time but we recommend lots of practise.

  • Do I need any equipment or gear to do this course?

    No but if you have someone to role play with and discuss concepts that can be extra helpful.

  • Can anyone do this course?

    Yes. We have designed the course with everyone in mind.

  • Does this course have a money back guarantee?

    Yes, we are so confident in our courses that if for whatever reason you feel unhappy, have not learned new information or skills we are happy to offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.

We're here to help you protect your family

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